Advent Retreat: Waiting, Longing, & Hope
“Advent is a season of expectant waiting, tapping into the sense we have that all is not well, the longing for the world to be made right again… By helping us to hope intensely for restoration, to feel our own need to be saved, Advent prepares us for genuine Christmas joy and faith in the One who saves us from our sin, Jesus.” (Reinders, Philip. Seeking God’s Face: Praying with the Bible Through the Year. Faith Alive Christian Resources & Baker Book House. 2005)
Advent Retreat
December 2, 9:45 AM to 3:00 PM
Immanuel Church
Wappingers Falls, NY
You’re invited to an Advent Retreat at Immanuel Church on Saturday, December 2nd from 9:45am to 3pm. Join us for a day of reflection and rest as we open our eyes, our sketchbooks or journals, and our hearts to God’s presence in this season of preparation –preparation for celebrating Jesus’ birth and for Jesus’ coming again.
We will take time to get in touch with our deeper longings and to ponder how we can wait with confident hope for those longings to be fulfilled, in part now and fully in the future God has for us. We’ll have time alone for quiet reflection, as well as time for sharing and encouraging one another as we approach this season intentionally, so that it doesn’t pass us by in a hectic blur as so often happens.
Will you join us for a few hours set apart to slow down and renew your focus on our gracious and loving God before the busyness of the season is upon you?
Artistic expression is welcome but not an essential part of the retreat; you can sketch with any kind of simple art supplies, you can “sketch” with words, or you can simply rest in God’s gift of a spacious day.
Saturday, December 2nd, 2023
9:45 AM to 3:00 PM
Immanuel Church (253 Myers Corners Rd; Wappingers Falls, NY)
Email me ( for more details or to let me know you’ll participate.