Apple of God’s Eye
I decided to do something different this week; rather than daily prayer suggestions, I sketched what jumped out at me from my psalm reading yesterday morning. I’ve been meditating on these verses, and sketching slows me down and helps me visualize something from Scripture in a way that makes it stick in my mind more clearly and for longer. I may do more of this sort of prayer in the coming weeks.
This week I’m sharing my sketching meditation on Psalm 17:6-8. If anyone reading this would also like to sketch it, I would love to see your sketches, if you’d like to share them.
I call on you, O God, for you will answer me;
give ear to me and hear my prayer.
Show the wonder of your great love ,
you who save by your right hand
those who take refuge in you…
Keep me as the apple of your eye… Psalm 17:6-8
I drew this from a photo of Stephen holding an apple in this right hand, bringing together two of the thoughts in this passage. I especially enjoyed sketching the large, strong hand of someone I love and who loves me; that added to the whole meditative experience for me, reminding me that God’s love, and often his protective refuge, comes through his people.