Sketching as Prayer Retreat
As summer passes into autumn and a new season begins, this is a good time to stop and reflect on the past few months and look ahead with intention to the coming season. The hot days of summer can be slow and restful, but sometimes they can also seem more hectic with family visits and extra activities, so it’s helpful to pause to catch our breath and reorient ourselves.
Join me for a day of retreat, rest, and renewal as we open our sketchbooks or journals, eyes, and hearts to God’s presence in his creation and look to discover his fingerprints all around us. This is an opportunity to slow down and renew our focus on God through silence and prayer. We will also have times to encourage one another with the thoughts, insights, and sketches or written words that have come from our observation and meditation. Artistic experience not necessary; you can sketch (or not) with any kind of simple art supplies or with written words.
Saturday, September 17, 2022
9:45 AM to 3:00 PM
Immanuel Church (Wappingers Falls, NY)
Email me at ( for more details or to let me know you’ll participate.

One Comment
Wish I lived close because I would come!