Sketching as Prayer Lenten Retreat
I want to know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised him from the dead. I want to suffer with him, sharing in his death, so that one way or another I will experience the resurrection from the dead!
Philippians 3: 10-11
Who wants to suffer? It’s not something we typically choose, nor should we without good reason. But Jesus did choose to suffer because of his tremendous love for us. He chose to enter into our suffering here on earth, in order to give us life. Lent is a season during which we choose to identify with Jesus, sharing in his sufferings, not for some morbid fascination with suffering, but in order to experience the resurrection life and power we can only have in fellowship with him. This Lenten journey of 40 days prepares us to more wholeheartedly experience and celebrate the reality of resurrection joy when Easter comes.
Given that choosing a path that includes suffering is not usually our first choice, it could be helpful in this Lenten season to set aside a few hours to focus on what it might mean to share in Jesus’ suffering in our daily lives. You are invited to a Lenten Retreat on Saturday, March 2nd to join with others in seeking fellowship with Jesus, as we choose to share in his sufferings and experience his resurrection power in our lives.
All are welcome: Non-artists, artists, poets and other writers– anyone who desires a quiet day to draw into God’s presence in the company of others. These Sketching as Prayer retreats are about drawing into God’s presence, not about art; sketching is, for me, a means of drawing into God’s presence. Some people “sketch” with words, some in their imagination, and some draw into God’s presence in other ways.
Saturday, March 2, 2024
9:45 am – 3:00 pm
Wappingers Falls, NY
Email me at to register or for more info