About Melissa Fischer
“He brought me out into a spacious place;
he rescued me because he delighted in me.” Psalm 18:19
I am an artist, spiritual director, and retreat leader. I live life with a sense of wonder and a curiosity about God’s ways in the world, desiring to become ever more attentive to his voice. As I meditate on the beauty of God’s work, I search for his “fingerprints” in creation that give evidence of his presence when it may not be obvious, and it’s my hope that my artwork helps others see and appreciate that as well. I delight in the spacious life God has invited me into and hope to help others hear and respond to his invitation to them.
I prefer to live on the quieter side of life, often with paintbrush or pen in hand, as I sketch my days and draw into God’s presence alone or with others. Sketching helps open my eyes to God’s handiwork in the world. I enjoy leading Sketching as Prayer retreats, when together we search for God’s fingerprints in the world around us and enter into prayer through the pages of our sketchbooks.
I graduated from Cornell University with a B.S. in Animal Science. After marrying, I homeschooled our three children until they went to college. Following that I worked as a professional dog trainer, and more recently have sought training for spiritual direction. I can often be found reading with a mug of tea, sketching, hiking with my husband and our dogs, or traveling to visit our children and grandchildren.
I can be contacted at melissafischerartist@gmail.com.