Spiritual Direction

Spiritual direction is a ministry of walking alongside another person on their spiritual journey. Christian spiritual direction is biblically grounded and Trinitarian in focus– recognizing that we are invited into an ever-growing, loving relationship with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It can be hard to make space for God in the midst of life’s demands; spiritual direction is one way to prioritize spiritual growth and transformation.
As a spiritual director, I accompany others as they seek to discern God’s presence and voice, exploring questions, doubts, desires, dreams, and struggles– the stuff of real life, whether in upbeat times or when struggling and feeling spiritually weary. Our meetings include prayer and listening in the context of a three way conversation between the person I am with, me and God, who is the true director. My role is to direct our attention to God by listening, asking reflective questions, and suggesting times for silence.
What to expect in spiritual direction:
* Meetings are generally monthly, either in person or by Zoom, and are about an hour in length
* Our discussions are in the context of prayerful attentiveness to God, including times of silence to quiet ourselves in his presence.
* Spiritual direction differs from pastoral counseling in focus; while we discuss problems and concerns, the focus is on discerning God’s invitation in the midst of those circumstances, rather than having a problem-solving focus.
* Our conversations are led by the Holy Spirit; I don’t come to them with an agenda, but with a posture of listening.
* As a visual thinker and prayer, I often include art in my own prayer times, and welcome my directees’ creative expressions in prayer and pondering.
* I maintain confidentiality, unless I feel that you or someone else is in danger of serious harm. If that is the case, I will discuss with you what actions I may be required to take.
* I do not charge for spiritual direction, but would encourage donations to your church or other Christian ministry of your choice.
* Contact me at melissafischerartist@gmail.com
“Earth’s crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God:
But only he who sees, takes off his shoes,
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.”
Elizabeth Barrett Browning