From Despair to Courage
“I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Wait for the LORD; be strong, and let your heart take courage; yes, wait for the LORD.” Psalm 27: 13-14
It’s easy to slip into despair or hopelessness when we allow our focus to settle on problems and trials. If, instead, we keep God’s goodness in mind and wait on the LORD, we are reassured, strengthened, and given courage, even if the trials continue. This week we’ll focus on God’s goodness and we’ll spend time waiting on the LORD.
Monday: Take some time to remember and think about good works God has done in the past. Ponder how these reflect God’s goodness and praise him.
Tuesday: God gives us courage to face challenges and problems from his perspective—they can be difficult or painful, but don’t have the final word in our lives. Ask God to give you courage and strength in him.
Wednesday: When you’re inclined to feel discouraged or hopeless, remind yourself of God’s goodness, and spend some time waiting quietly for him to strengthen you.
Thursday: Think about people you know who are overwhelmed and dealing with great difficulties and pray that God would strengthen and encourage them.
Friday: Ask God how you might be able to show his goodness to someone who needs to be encouraged and lifted from despair to hope. Can you encourage someone with a visit, a card, a phone call, or some sort of help?
Saturday: Pray that as God’s people, we would rejoice together in his goodness and strengthen one another by our fellowship.
One Comment
Thank you for this reminder today, Melissa. Psalm 27 is my favorite Psalm!