Praying Scripture

One Body, Many Members

Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us… Rom. 12:4-6a

As God’s children, we aren’t expected to be just like each other, but, rather, unique individuals with different gifts and roles, all essential for the healthy functioning of the body of Christ.

Monday: Think about various parts of your body and how very different they are, and in fact must be, in order for you to live. Praise God for his plan by which our diversity causes us to need each other.

Tuesday: Think about other believers you know who are different from you in personality and giftedness. Think of how they contribute to the body of Christ in ways you can’t, and thank God for them.

Wednesday: Others may not (usually do not) have the same strengths or gifts you have. Ask God to help you be gracious when others seem weak in your areas of strength.

Thursday: Ask God to show you how he has made you unique by giving you spiritual gifts, in order to fill a needed role in his body, the church.

Friday: Ask God how you can encourage those who are different from you and pray for a desire to do so.

Saturday: Pray for love and respect in the body of Christ, so that diversity leads to unity with rich variety, rather than division and judgment.

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