Praying Scripture

Thoughts That Lead to Peace

“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.” Philippians 4:8-9

Paul admonishes his readers to think about that which is good and to follow his example in living out those virtues. The result is God’s peace, which comes from the God of peace himself being present with us. This week let’s pay attention to what we think about and then act accordingly.

Daily Prayer Suggestions

Monday: Ask God for wisdom to know what is true, honorable, and just, both in your own attitudes and actions and in society around you. Determine to act in accord with those things, even when it isn’t the easiest path to take.

Tuesday: Think for a while today about something pure, lovely, or commendable, and thank God for it. Ask God to give you a growing taste for such things.

Wednesday: Meditate on some of the ways in which God’s works are excellent and worthy of praise. Ask him to open your eyes to see more clearly what he is doing.

Thursday: Pray for a steadfast mind that will dwell on all these virtues to the exclusion of thoughts to the contrary. Pray also that God would help you effectively resist temptations to think in ways that are negative and harmful.

Friday: Think about those you know who live in ways that reflect these virtues. Thank God for their example and ask him to help you learn from them. Ask him to help you also be a godly example to others.

Saturday: Thank God for his presence in your life and for the peace he gives. If you don’t feel his peace, ask yourself if there is anything in your thought life that’s interfering and ask God to help you think on that which is pleasing to him and uplifting to you. 

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